a little dog ass won’t hurt you

AngusinbedThis is Angus on my unmade bed this morning.  Notice his ass is on my pillow.  Now that’s dog love….

My Private Island yarn is spun, washed, dried and wound and is now becoming a sock.  I can’t believe I could spin something fine (as in thin) enough to use size 0 needles on but there it is!  I still think there is room for improvement to get a smoother yarn and my spinning guru, Linda, says that I might need more twist in the singles and I think she’s right.  Even though I have a sock already on the needles, I HAD to start these.  I am so loving how beautiful the colors are and how softly they change from one color to the next.  I must get more of Amy’s rovings……Handspunsock_2

Big week, this week.  My sister from California, Michelle and her family are due to arrive on thursday and even though they’ll be staying with my mom and dad, things gotta clean up around here!  Add to that its the birthday trifecta at the end of this week:  Ali on the 21st, Doug on the 22nd, and Michelle on the 23rd.  Partay!  That means that the pressure is on to complete birthday gifts and I was a lazy slob yesterday and stayed in my pajamas all day and knit on my new sock while reclining on my bed.  Yup.  A girls gotta take a day off, you know?

Off to work now…

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1 Response to a little dog ass won’t hurt you

  1. Rebecca says:

    He looks so comfy there, our Setter used to sleep on our bed but the discover of a tick, on me!, soon put an end to those halcyon days. She manages to sneak up for a nap every once in a while though.

    Sounds like you really have your hands full at the moment, I hope the job is going well.

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